With a huge number of people going in and out every day – the supermarket is the ideal advertising place for businesses. But with the current forms of advertising, it may no longer be appropriate and effective. So what is a modern form of advertising, but it brings unexpected results for businesses? The following article may be the answer to the above question

World Retail Industry Trends

Technology continues to change the rules of participation, making consumers more demanding than ever, and getting them to notice your brand in the marketplace is a bigger challenge. They presented the following trends (just listing a few of them below) for the Retail industry:

See How Advertising Screens Can Draw Customers’ Attention

Step 1: Wayfinding

– When the customer is in a mall or other retail store, the first thing they want to do is get directions on how to get there easily as they may not be familiar with the area. In such conditions, dedicated advertising screens can act as a conduit to provide clear navigation within the mall to enhance a customer’s shopping experience.

Step 2: Destination

– When a customer comes to their store, the Advertising Display can be served as a silent salesperson to promote best-selling products with dynamic video and sound or using compelling visuals

Step 3: Cashier Counter

The customer will initiate a regular purchase at the counter after making their decision and selection. Therefore, it is a very good opportunity for retailers to communicate with consumers. Under these conditions, the Advertising Screen is usually meant to drive additional purchases.
For example, a dress retailer, he might advertise belts at the point of sale, while a laptop retailer might promote headphones to his customers.

Step 4: Branding – Enhancing Customer Experience

Dedicated advertising screens not only for displaying product information and advertising, but also branding with the right content in the right place, at the right time. Advertising screens in stores can enhance the customer experience to make customers perceive the STORE by feeling and look through the advertising screens.


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